{{ formCustom.ic1.$error.required || formCustom.ic2.$error.required || formCustom.ic3.$error.required ? 'NRIC no. is required' : ( (formCustom.newIC.$error.format) ? 'NRIC no. is not valid' : processAgeErrorMessage('Your age must be between #MIN# years old to #MAX# years old') ) }}
Passport Number
Passport is required
Passport Expiry Date
This field is mandatory.
Field value is invalid.
Date of Birth
This field is mandatory.
Field value is invalid.
Current residential address
Current residential address is required
This field is mandatory.
This field is mandatory.
Mailing Address: (please only complete if different from the residential address shown above)
Current residential address is required
This field is mandatory.
This field is mandatory.
Are you ONLY a Malaysian tax resident?
Are you ONLY a Malaysian tax resident is required
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We are in the midst of processing your information.