Reset Mobile Network

Reset Mobile Network

Please refer to this guide on how to reset your mobile network. If you are still facing issues logging in to HLB Connect app after following this guide, please contact our Social Care team via Facebook or Twitter. 

Step 1

Go to your phone Settings, select Connection/Mobile Data

Step 1 Android
Step 1 iOS
Step 2

Select Mobile Networks/Mobile Data Option

Step 2 Android
Step 2 iOS
Step 3

Change Network/Data to 3G ONLY [IMPORTANT STEP!]

This step is required even if your telco service provider have discontinued 3G.

Skipping this step may lead to interrupted service. 

Step 3 Android
Step 3 iOS
Step 4

Turn on Flight Mode/Airplane Mode

Step 4 Android
Step 4 iOS
Step 5

Turn off Flight mode/ Airplane Mode,
Log in to HLB Connect App while in 3G network

Step 5
Step 6

Go to Mobile Networks/Mobile Data Option to change network to 4G

Step 6 Android
Step 6 iOS
Step 7

Log in to HLB Connect App again while in 4G network

Step 5