Hong Leong Bank - Credit Rating

Credit Rating



During the year, Moody’s Investors Services Ltd has reaffirmed the Bank’s long-term rating at A3 and short-term rating at P2, with a stable outlook.
Rating Agency Malaysia Berhad has also reaffirmed the Bank’s long-term and short-term ratings, underpinned by our established domestic retail and SME franchises, robust asset quality and strong capitalisation.

Details of the rating of the Bank and its debt securities are as follows:

Rating Agency

Date Accorded / Latest Update

Rating Classification

Rating Agency Malaysia Berhad


Long-Term Rating: AAA
Short-Term Rating: P1
Subordinated Notes: AA1
Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities: A1
Medium Term Notes: AAA
Commercial Papers: P1

Moody's Investors Services Ltd


Long Term Rating: A3
Short Term Rating: P2

For enquiries, connect with us online or drop by your nearest Hong Leong Bank Branch.