Socially Responsible Business
The products and services that we design and deliver are part of the broader responsibilities that we have as a financial service provider. Financial intermediation has widespread implications for the economy, the environment and society at large. At the Bank, we are committed to ensuring that the role we play within the system is one of responsibility and accountability, hence, we continue to strengthen the integration of fairness, and social and environmental considerations into our business practices.
Our Socially Responsible Business theme is driven by these Material Topics:
Responsible Financing
Develop innovative products and services that incorporate ESG and sound sustainability considerations that will promote our contribution to sustained community growth and reduced environmental impacts, whilst ensuring sound business models.
Programmes, Initiatives & Policies related to Responsible Financing:
Offering products and services that meet customers’ expectations, are fair and responsible and take into consideration the interests of our customers and the Bank.
Programmes, Initiatives & Policies related to Fair Banking:
Screening and assessing our suppliers to ensure they are in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations as well as meet our economic, social and environmental assessment requirements before onboarding, and during annual reviews. Assisting our suppliers to enhance their mitigation plans on identified
ESG risks and disclosure of such risks.
Programmes, Initiatives & Policies related to Sustainable Supply Chain:
Efforts to promote and facilitate financial literacy, inclusiveness and accessibility to financial services for the underserved or unserved individuals and businesses, alleviating financial hardships and thus enhancing opportunities for all.
Programmes, Initiatives & Policies related to Financial Inclusion:
Committed in conducting our business and operations professionally, while adopting the highest standards of ethics, integrity and compliance. Investing in people, technology, policies and processes to ensure a fit-for-purpose governance framework and robust operational readiness to prevent financial crimes such as money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud, bribery and corruption.
Programmes, Initiatives & Policies related to Good Governance: