Migration of Deposit/-i, Loan/Financing-i, Credit Card, Debit Card/-i and Insurance/Takaful Notifications from Hardcopy to Email
26 August 2022
As part of our commitment to sustainability, we would like to embark on a journey towards a greener future with you.
For a seamless experience, all individual and sole proprietor account holders can opt to receive email notifications such as notices, reminders, letters and advices (“Notifications”) effective 3 December 2022.
If an account holder has previously opted for email Statements, you will automatically receive email Notifications. Account holders who have yet to do so are encouraged to opt for email Notifications and email Statements. Find out more.
As always, we look forward to serving you better and we thank you for your continuous support. Let’s help keep our environment green.
Why switch to email Notifications/Statements?
How to subscribe for email Notifications/Statements
(Individual & Sole Proprietor)?
Note: Account holders who have previously opted for email Statements will automatically receive email notifications.
Note: Account holders who have previously opted for email Statements will automatically receive email notifications.
Notifications Fees