These may interest you
Looking for the perfect deposit product to save your money or valuables?
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All Products
Savings Account
Current Account
Fixed Deposit Account
Safe Deposit Box
Foreign Currency
Pay&Save Account (with Multi Currency Feature)

HLB Wallet

Earn Instant Cashback when you make digital payments
3-in-1 Junior Account + HLB Pocket Connect App

Savings account comes with reloadable debit card & pocket money app for your child.
Harvest Savings Account

Basic Savings Account

Savings Account

Multi-Currency Account

12 currencies, 31+ Countries
Top Yield Account

Earn up to 2.25% p.a. when you consolidate your savings & investments
Basic Current Account

Current Account

Provides a standby overdraft facility for your urgent, unexpected financial needs
Foreign Currency Account

Save in 10 major currencies
Fixed Deposit

Earn attractive interest with fixed tenures of up to 60 months
e-Fixed Deposit

Place your e-Fixed Deposit online via HLB Connect
Flexi Fixed Deposit

Enjoy the flexibility of making early partial withdrawals
Senior Savers Flexi Fixed Deposit

An attractive interest FD account for individuals aged 50 years and above
Junior Fixed Deposit

An attractive interest FD account for children below the age of 18
Foreign Fixed Deposit

A convenient way to invest in foreign currency
Safe Deposit Box

Keep your valuables secure with a safe deposit box
Pay&Save Account (with Multi Currency Feature)

HLB Wallet

Earn Instant Cashback when you make digital payments
Foreign Currency Account

Save in 10 major currencies
Multi-Currency Account

12 currencies, 31+ Countries