Types of Investment and Financing Products


Investment and Financing Products

Discover various types of investment options such as Unit Trusts, Bonds, and Stocks that can suit a diverse range of financial goals and risk profiles.

Use the filter to select the product that best suits your needs.

All Products
Invest as low as RM50
Invest RM50,000 and above
Wealth Financing
Unit Trust

Simple and affordable investment, starting as low as RM50, managed by our professional fund managers.

Stock Trading

Trade local and foreign stocks in real time with HLebroking.


Expect a more predictable and consistent return on investment over time.

Dual Currency Investment (DCI)

Earn potentially higher returns as short as one week from your preferred currency pairing via the Dual Currency Investment (DCI).

Auto Callable Equity Linked Investment (ACEL)

A short-term investment product with reputable companies as its foundation, designed for capitalizing on short-term market trends.

Negotiable Instruments of Deposits (NID) / Islamic Structured Product

Earn enhanced returns with NID or Islamic Structured Product - a 100% principal protected investment if held until maturity.

Share Margin Financing (SMF)

Enhance your investment capacity by leveraging the value of your assets.

Investment Scam

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A promise too sweet is likely a scam.

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